Why CBD & Omega-3?
Why CBD & Omega-3?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a powerful supplement with anti-inflammatory properties and has been proven to have the ability to help control difficult-to-manage symptoms and help treat several previously untreatable conditions. Among other things, CBD oil can help to fight cancer and irritable bowel diseases, improve schizophrenia symptoms, relieve anxiety, and enhance the quality of sleep.
Pain Management

Of all the benefits offered by CBD, natural pain relief tops the list for many. Evidence suggests that cannabinoids may prove useful in pain modulation by inhibiting neuronal transmission in pain pathways. Some studies, including an investigation published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, found that CBD significantly reduces inflammation in mice and rats – but it's not only rodents that experience these effects. A 2008 review identified that CBD offered effective pain relief without inducing adverse side effects in patients.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
One of the most important health benefits of CBD oil is its analgesic (pain relieving) effects. It's thought that CBD interacts with receptors in the brain and immune system to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
Anti-Seizure Properties
Seizures occur when there's a dramatic fluctuation of electrical activity in the brain. Over the years, several high profile cases have raised awareness of CBD's anti-seizure properties, but it's only recently that science has been able to confirm this link.
Combats Anxiety
While CBD is most commonly used to treat physiological symptoms, there's a growing body of research that indicates it can also be useful as part of the treatment regimens for a range of mental health conditions, including anxiety.
Research indicates that CBD may be valuable in the treatment of cancer in many different ways. CBD, in addition to some of the other compounds found in cannabis, has an antitumor effect and can amplify the death of tumor cells in both colon cancer and leukemia.

Reduces the risk for Diabetes
CBD oil may reduce the risk of developing Diabetes. In a recent study, researchers set out to explore what effect CBD would have on non-obese, diabetes-prone female mice. Only 32 percent of the mice that received the CBD were diagnosed with Diabetes, compared to 100 percent of the untreated group.
CBD + Omega-3
CBD oil works by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a physiological system made up of neurotransmitters named endocannabinoids. These chemical messengers bind to and activate cannabinoid receptors, which triggers a multitude of critical physiological responses involved in the regulation of inflammation, pain, fertility, appetite, memory, and mood, among other biological processes. The cannabinoids present in CBD oil are also able to activate these cannabinoid receptors - and therefore, like our bodies' own endocannabinoids, are able to exert positive effects on our health and wellbeing.
So Why Omega-3 + CBD?
In order to get the most out of our CBD supplements, the phytocannabinoids require a fat source in order to reach and stimulate the endocannabinoid receptors. Consuming CBD with a high-quality omega-3 supplement will dramatically increase the effects of your CBD supplement.
Evidence also indicates that omega-3 plays a crucial role in maintaining the proper functioning of your endocannabinoid system.
Most importantly, omega-3 helps to maintain your ECS by:
- Maintaining and repairing cannabinoid receptors
- Providing the body with the ingredients necessary to grow more cannabinoid receptors
- Helping the body to synthesize endocannabinoids
- Keeping the body's omega-6 to omega-3 ratio low, which helps to maintain healthy receptor membranes
- Aids in the conversion of one type of cannabinoid to another as needed
- Helps to metabolically regulate the ECS by creating the enzymes that produce and degrade cannabinoids
For these reasons, it is vital to note that the only way for your body to reap the full range of benefits provided by CBD is to ensure that your dietary and/or supplementary intake of omega-3 is sufficient.
Who can benefit from CBDO3?
CBDO3 combines two of the worlds most powerful natural anti-inflammatory health products. Working together these ingredients complement one another and improve one another's efficacy simultaneously. This product is ideal for people looking to relieve, stress and anxiety, to help improve sleep and focus. CBDO3's high potency omega-3's will help reduce inflammation in the body all while carrying the phytocannabinoids to the endocannabinoid receptors to promote healing and wellness in the body. This product is unique in the sense that its effects can be felt nearly immediately. So if you are looking to improve your health or relieve or alleviate any condition named above this CBDO3 is the product for you.